Sunday, June 28, 2020

Weaving with Nature

Humidity from the warm front has animated
my stick and twig loom
twisting it wildly out of shape
to warn of an oncoming storm.
Orange nasturtiums and knotweed leaves,
small yellow leaves with daisy buttons,
and fresh green ferns
add color to this gray, late June afternoon.
(Click on the image for a closeup.)

Friday, June 26, 2020

2020 Weaving



Beaver at Rock House Reservation

Beaver eating a twig on the path.

More foraging.

Too busy to care that I was watching.

Exploring greens under a boulder.

Standing up to get the best bits.

Taking a branch back to the pond.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


nature takes matters

into its own hands

the meek determine

to inherit the Earth

the atmosphere

breathes clean

justice overrules

rulers and the cruel

a new beginning

with peace on Earth

in a world

without end

a few hours before midnight

Snow came near the turning of the year; rain on warmer days washed it away: the weather is undecided as to the season Follow the coyote'...